Archive for February 20th, 2010

Gamblers At Casino Craps Game Table

[ English ]

If you are looking for thrills, noise and more excitement than you can stand, then craps is the casino game to gamble on.

Craps is a fast-paced casino game with high-rollers, low-rollers, and all players in between. If you are a person-watcher this is one casino game that you will love to study. There is the high roller, buying in with a enormous bankroll and making loud declarations when he wagers across the board, "five hundred and twenty dollars across," you will hear the whale exclaim. He is the gambler to observe at this craps table and he knows it. They’ll either win big or don’t win big and there’s nothing in the middle.

There’s the low-roller, maybe trying to acquaint himself with the whales. He will tell the other bettors of books he has read on dice throwing and hover around the most accomplished player at the craps table, prepared to talk and "pick each others brains".

My preferred gamblers at the craps table are the real chaps from the days gone by. These aging guys are usually patient, mostly kind and will frequently share hints from the "good ole days."

There are a good many other personalities that you will see around a busy Craps table. When you take the plunge and decide to participate in the game, be certain you utilize good behavior. Locate a position on the rail and place your $$$$ down in the "come" spot. Don’t ever do this when the dice are being tossed or you will become known as the last character I wanted to mention, the jerk.