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Learn to Play Craps – Pointers and Schemes: The Background of Craps

[ English ]

Be brilliant, play cunning, and master craps the ideal way!

Dice and dice games date all the way back to the Middle Eastern Crusades, but current craps is approximately a century old. Modern craps developed from the old English game referred to as Hazard. No one absolutely knows the ancestry of the game, however Hazard is said to have been made up by the Englishman, Sir William of Tyre, around the twelfth century. It is believed that Sir William’s horsemen enjoyed Hazard through a blockade on the citadel Hazarth in 1125 AD. The name Hazard was acquired from the castle’s name.

Early French colonizers imported the game Hazard to Nova Scotia. In the 1700s, when banished by the British, the French headed south and settled in the south of Louisiana where they after a while became Cajuns. When they fled Acadia, they took their favored game, Hazard, along. The Cajuns simplified the game and made it fair mathematically. It’s believed that the Cajuns adjusted the name to craps, which was acquired from the term for the losing toss of two in the game of Hazard, referred to as "crabs."

From Louisiana, the game extended to the Mississippi scows and across the nation. Many consider the dice builder John H. Winn as the creator of current craps. In 1907, Winn assembled the current craps setup. He created the Don’t Pass line so players can bet on the dice to not win. At another time, he developed the spots for Place wagers and put in place the Big 6, Big 8, and Hardways.